more poems (man)
back by popular demand. i mean, black by popular demand..... i mean..... black by blackular demand..... man. here are
some more poems.
LADYS LOVE COOL JAMES lady's love cool james they think he's dreamy. he
licks his lips once and girls are all like "tight" he licks his lips twince and girls are all like "whoa" he
licks his lips three times... and that's the way you get to the center of a tootsie pop.
is creeeeepy. is it or isnt it? even the strongest of men cannot defeat twince. like the biggest typo ever. the
cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon. little boy blue and the man on the moon. son: "when you comin' home, dad?" dad:
"i dont know when. but the cat's in the cradle then... yeah" black power.
blood today. that shit is fucking red man. it all came out of me like "ahhhhhhhhhh!!!" and then i let it leave. later...
DONT SMOKE WEED and tell michael that you cant pick him up from work. cause your lame
ass friend smoked you out, even though you didnt want to smoke at all. waves, patters, spots. it's like there,
man. then it's not. sometimes you can hear em speak. they asked if i knew what the capital of Weed was. so
i said "i dont know...the moon? the sun? the milky way?" and they were all like "no, your jeans"
CAN GET AWAY WITH A LOT BECAUSE IM TIGHT tight shit is sweet. like
my jeans. all being the capital of weed now.
WINTER HIGH-KU quiet and windy cold white blanket
covers earth white crystals (probably hash) gleam in the snow
NATURE hey fucker, how
about a knuckle sandwich? come here so i can grind your bones into bread. break into my house why dont you? no
it's cool, you can have my checkbook. how's that knuckle sandwich? how about a brass knuckle sandwich? so
many years spent searching for the point where the sky meets the earth. when 2 become one. humming a single note, in
unison. beauty creeps closer. softly and gently, friendly and kindly, when will we see peace amongst lands? when
kings and queens, ambassoders and ministers, hug ethiopians? time is an essence, arbitrary to the ignorant, crystal
clear to the wise. black power.
THE WOODS SPEAK LANGUAGES "woooooooooo" can you hear that? it's the woods. "woooooooooooohooooooooo" it's
like the beginning to that one lack song. they want you to come closer. bring friends and 40's." mostly just 40's. mickey's
40's. and redbull. and a bottle bong. dont forget the redbull and bottle bong. "woooohooooohooooooooo" it's
waiting for you. dont be scared of the dark, it's not like woods wolves are going to eat you when you come through and
shit. "wooooohoooooo" black power.