this site sucks:
commentary by me

have you ever just like been thinking, like, you know, like real deep and shit. and you like look down, and like, yeah, like
wonder what's making your hand move, and how does like each finger like know what it's doing and where did this all come from
and like trace it up from like your fingernail all the way up to like your brain and like try and see if you can like feel
the waves of energy like pulsating down your body, like telling your limbs what to do and shit as you like move all like slowly
and fluid like, each move like all graceful and shit, just like a move in this like fucking well orchestrated ballet that
we call life and shit, all of us moving in perfect unison in this like sublime kind of pseudo-reality, nobody sure where they're
going but we're all sure we'll like it when we get there, just being fucking innocent players in this like fucking huge trap
like you see in childhood board games, all of us just lining up and rolling the dice, waiting for that fucking mousetrap or
fucking steel pot or rope net to fucking get thrown down on all of us, slapping the fucking warm teet out of all our mouths,
making us forget that we're not really fucking people, we don't get to do what we want, we're all just fucking racecars and
tophats and politically correct characters with names like billy and susan that are just walking around on a fucking color
coded track, waiting our turn for that fucking net to be tossed onto our goddamn heads as we sit there, knowing full well
that this will happen, and we don't do shit cause we're just sitting there, staring up in the sky like fucking ignorant asshole
children patiently awaiting another helping of dessert even though they're out of fucking pie and we're already getting cramps
in our stomachs from all the chocolate we've eaten.
no, i've never reall thought of that shit either, pussy.